For years Jonathan Peters has been entertaining the straight side of clubland, but what's funny is that some of his biggest songs are the diva vocal anthems that us gay boys gag over!!
So this metrosexual DJ (you've gotta admit--He's pretty to look at!) has been a favorite of mine for awhile...even though there's a few of his mixes I just couldn't imagine playing anywhere!
If you ever want to hear something completely crazy, put on any Jonathan Peters Dub--They're SO intense and insane, it's clearly meant to mess with your mind when you're under the influence of...er...anything lol.
Amber - Above The Clouds (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**Amber gets the JP treatment and it's beautiful!! I was surprised at how NOT hard the beats were for this song (again, check the dub lol) but it's nice because it really pairs well with such a pretty song. This was the mainstream version that dance radio played here in NYC.**
Ciara - Like A Boy (JM's Jonathan Peters Deeper Radio Edit)
**This one was by special request (so I hope you like it!) and I'm glad I did it because this is definitely a great mix by JP. It's a straight up dance mix with just a standard production which works great with Ciara's delivery here. It has some electro influences and is very danceable!**
Debelah Morgan - Dance With Me (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**Jonathan made quite a few mixes of this one and while this edit isn't for the one I favor, it's the most normal sounding one of all of them lol. I loved this song and I don't know why Debelah just seemed to dissappear!**
Donna Summer - The Power Of One (JM's Jonathan Peters Sound Factory Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**This song, random as it may be, was a song from the Pokemon 2000 movie. I don't know how Donna got caught up in that but I'm glad she did. JP offered both a regular club mix and a Sound Factory mix for this. The Sound Factory mix is definitely the fun one here!! The beats are hard and the build up is intense!! After the build up it almost sounds like an out of control merry-go-round or like they say in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, "Merry Go Round Broke Down" hahaha!**
Jon Secada - Stop (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**In 2000 Jon released his "Better Part Of Me" CD and this was the only single released both in English and in Spanish (as "Asi") which only charted at #23 but made it to #15 on the dance charts. Jon sounds very at home with the dance beat and JP put together a really great mix that compliments the melody of the song.**
Karissa Noel - Corrupt (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**This is a JP classic and it's easy to see why!! Karissa gives us a really sexy vocal with JP's anthemic production and result is legendary. How can you argue with the lyrics "Deny me if you think you can/But I always get my man/And before this night is through/I will corrupt you...". This song is diva personified. And don't forget to check out the Becky Baeling cover which is a few posts back!**
Katrina Ruiz - You're Gonna Miss Me (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**So this song came out of nowhere and I've yet to find any information about her at all! This got a full-fledged release on both CD and vinyl on the Robbins label in 2002 and yet no one seems to know who she is. Anyone? Anyone!!?? Either way, this song is incredible and the CD offers mixes by JP, Al B Rich and Rob Girellini. Al B Rich's is definitely my fave (I'll post that one soon) but JP did a very "No One's Gonna Change You" mix here if you know what I mean. Very pretty with a killer diva vocal!**
Kumi Koda - Take Back (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**I posted the Junior Vasquez mix of this not too long ago and here's JP's take on it. This edit has a lower bpm which is kinda nice because it makes Kumi's vocals a little bit easier to understand.**
Reina - No One's Gonna Change You (Jonathan Peters Radio Edit) **Official Edit**
**This is definitely one of JP's finest moments. This stunningly lush mix has Reina pulling out the stops on this dance music torch song! I've always enjoyed Robbie Tronco's mix alot (can't beat that violin solo!) but this one has an extra added bridge in it that Robbie's doesn't have. Reina, of course, sounds incredible and this one will never go away! Always a favorite!!**
Rockell - What U Did 2 Me (JM's Dirty Jonathan Peters Radio Edit)
**This is probably my favorite Rockell song ever!! Rockell is pissed off to no end here and she's gonna tell us ALL about it--With the help of JP of course! As angry as Rockell gets (with lyrics like "Who do you think you're fooling?/Love ain't a game to be played/My heart is empty/Like the promises you made/But now I'm getting stronger/And I don't need you any longer.") is as agressive as JP gets with some of the best distorted synths I've ever heard. The CD single came with a radio edit, full mix, a dub and the "dirty mix" which is really more of a mixshow. So I took the mixshow and I chopped it up a bit and added my favorite part of the full mix which is the synth line that comes in at 3:57 (stunning!) and then brought it all back. My other favorite part is when Rockell goes "Did you hear that?/No, you don't know that sound/Well it's all the shit you did to me/And it's coming around."--WERQ!!!**